healthy kids

How Long Does It Take for the Umbilical Cord to Fall Off?

Umbilical cord facts The cord will normally fall off in one to three weeks after birth. The average cord falls off between 10 and 14 days with 21 days being the higher side of normal. The cord will normally fall off in one to three weeks after birth. The average cord falls off between 10 …

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What Are the Signs and Symptoms of an Unwell Child?

A toddler or infant getting sick often worries parents, especially first-time parents. Signs and Symptoms of an unwell child include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, breathing problems, headaches, jaundice and rash. A toddler or infant getting sick often worries parents, especially first-time parents. All sorts of thoughts might concern parents who are not aware of the signs of an unwell child. These …

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What Should a 4-Month-Old Baby Be Doing?

Growth at four months is so intense that babies often regress in other areas. At four months old, babies advance developmentally in gross motor skills, fine motor skills, communication and hearing, problem solving, learning, understanding, socially and emotionally. According to studies, growth at four months is so intense that babies often regress in other areas, such as sleeping. The baby's …

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What Should I Do If My Baby Doesn’t Want to Eat?

A baby not wanting to eat is typical behavior. If your baby doesn't want to eat, try different feeding positions, wear clothing that allows for easy access to the breasts, maintain your milk supply and offer the breast often. First, quit worrying. This is typical toddler behavior. Kids have sensitive taste buds and are just learning to taste. Your child …

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What Can a Baby Do at 3 Months?

Babies at three months old Your three-month-old baby has made tremendous development since birth. Babies who are three months of age have achieved developmental milestones in moving, speaking, interacting, thinking, sensing and sleeping. Your three-month-old baby has made tremendous development since birth. By this age, your baby has more voluntary control of their body. Babies spend hours inspecting their hands …

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What Causes Rashes on Baby Skin?

Baby rashes A baby’s skin is delicate and can easily break into rashes in response to various irritants. Rashes on a baby’s skin may be caused by miliaria, baby oil or soaps, viruses, bacteria, fungi, excessive dryness, moisture, insect bites, food allergy and exposure to heat and sun. A baby’s skin is delicate and can easily break into rashes in …

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When Should You Stop Using a Bottle?

When are babies ready to wean? Toddlers can become attached to their bottles because it provides a sense of comfort and security in addition to providing nourishment. A baby should stop using a bottle when they can sit up by themselves, eat from a spoon, show curiosity in solid foods and when they have a set routine for mealtimes. Toddlers …

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How Can I Help My 5-Month-Old Baby’s Development?

How parents can help Babies at five months of age are developing rapidly. Parents can help their five-month-old baby's development by talking and reading to their baby. Teaching, cuddling, and entertaining your baby are important, too. As a parent, it is a pleasure to get involved in your five-month-old baby's development.  Parents play a critical role in promoting infant development …

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What Causes Breast Buds in Babies?

How do a pregnant woman's hormones affect her unborn child? Breast buds are always normal in newborns. The environment provided to the baby while in the womb is crucial. It determines the growth and development of the baby in utero, as well as after the baby is born. What the mother consumes (including the medications) can affect the baby. Thus, …

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When Should I Call the Doctor for My Newborn? 10 Reasons

Knowing when to call the pediatrician can be a perplexing prospect for new parents. Parenting brings along several challenges. Taking care of a newborn is not child's play. No child comes with an instruction manual. With so many self-proclaimed newborn "experts" out there, you may often be left perplexed. There are times when you can be entirely clueless about what …

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