chronic pain

What Is the Reduction of Posterior Elbow Dislocation? Procedure

What causes posterior elbow dislocation? The reduction of posterior elbow dislocation is a procedure in which the displaced bone is aligned correctly in the joint and restored to its original position by pulling or pushing it. The elbow joint is formed by two bones (the radius and ulna) of your forearm and one bone (the …

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What is Reduction of Radial Head (Elbow) Dislocation?

What is a radial head dislocation? If a radial head dislocation is associated with deep injuries and fracture of bones, the reduction will be performed in the operating room. The elbow is made up of the upper arm bone (humerus) and two bones in the forearm (radius and ulna). Some strong ligaments in the elbow hold all these bones in …

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What Is the Reduction of a Patellar Dislocation? Procedure

What causes a patellar dislocation? A patellar dislocation may be due to direct trauma to your patella or twisting of your knee. Along with the patellar dislocation, the injury may also result in the fracture of the patella, tibia, or femur simultaneously. The patella, commonly known as the kneecap, is one of the four bones (femur, tibia, fibula, and patella) …

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What Is the Reduction of a Mandibular Dislocation?

What is a mandibular dislocation? A mandibular dislocation is a medical emergency. Delay in its correction may result in stiffness of the jaw joint due to abnormal joining between tissues of the mandibular bone. A mandibular dislocation occurs when the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is displaced on one side (unilaterally) or both sides (bilaterally) of the face. A mandibular dislocation stretches …

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What Is Botulinum Toxin Used For?

What is botulinum toxin? The bacterial botulinum toxin refined into a drug called Botox, among other formulations. It can smooth fine lines and wrinkles by paralyzing underlying facial muscles, it can reduce nerve pain and relax spasming muscles. Botulinum toxin is one of nature’s most poisonous biological substances. It is a neurotoxin produced by bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum. The …

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Can Botulinum Toxin Be Used for Pain Relief?

What is botulinum toxin? Botox and its analogs, widely administered for cosmetic purposes, can also reduce chronic pain by deadening nerves and/or releasing the pressure on the nerves from adjacent spasming muscles. Botulinum toxin is one of the most toxic biological substances found on earth, produced by anaerobic bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum. Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin excreted by …

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What Is a Piriformis Injection Used to Treat?

What is piriformis syndrome? Sometimes the piriformis muscle can become irritated, swollen, and tight due to injury and twitching. It can then press upon the nearby sciatic nerve. The pyriformis syndrome is a painful neuromuscular condition that develops due to abnormal tightening of the pyriformis muscle situated near the hip joint. The tight muscle irritates or compresses the sciatic nerve …

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What Happens During a Coccygectomy? Tailbone Surgery

What is a coccygectomy? Generally, orthopedic or spinal surgeons perform the surgery. Coccygectomy is usually done under general anesthesia. Coccygectomy is the surgical removal of the tailbone (coccyx). It is done in the cases of pain in the tailbone region (coccydynia) when conservative treatment options, such as rest, painkillers, physiotherapy, and steroid injections, have failed.  The surgery is not commonly …

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What Happens During a Fistulotomy? Procedure to Remove Infection

What are the symptoms of anal fistula? Anal fistula patient with constant pain which gets worse with cough, sitting down, moving around, and defecation. An anal fistula is a small tunnel or opening that develops between the end of the anus and near the anal skin (where poop/feces leaves the body). An anal fistula usually develops due to infection and the collection …

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How Long Does a TAP Block Last?

What is a TAP block? A TAP or transversus abdominis plane block numbs the abdominal muscles and skin in preparation for surgery. A transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block is a procedure to anesthetize the nerves that provide sensation and muscle function to the abdominal wall and skin. For a transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, an anesthetic injection is administered in …

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