breast cancer

What Is a Tube Thoracostomy?

What is a tube thoracostomy? In a tube thoracostomy (chest drainage), pleural fluid, air, blood, and pus are removed from the pleural cavity. A tube thoracostomy, also known as open chest drainage, is a surgical procedure to drain the collection of pleural fluid, air, blood, or pus from your pleural cavity through a tube inserted …

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What Is Transvaginal Cholecystectomy?

What is transvaginal cholecystectomy? Transvaginal cholecystectomy is a surgery in which the gallbladder is removed through the vagina. Transvaginal cholecystectomy is a novel surgical procedure to remove the gallbladder through the vaginal route. It is one of the three types of cholecystectomy—apart from the traditional open cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy—that is done to treat patients with an inflamed gallbladder (cholecystitis). …

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How Painful is a Lumbar Puncture? Procedure

A lumbar puncture is also called a spinal tap, spinal puncture, thecal puncture, or rachiocentesis. A lumbar puncture is usually not painful, as a patient is first given a local anesthetic. Most patients feel nothing except for the mild sting of the local anesthetic needle. It is possible to feel a pressure sensation as the needle goes in. The procedure is …

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Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Symptoms & Treatment

Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) facts Enterococci (genus Enterococcus) are bacteria that commonly live in the bowel and are usually resistant to many antibiotics. VRE are enterococci that have become resistant to the antibiotic vancomycin. There are only a few antibiotics that are able to treat VRE infections. However, newer antibiotics are being developed. People can be colonized with VRE, meaning that …

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How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Triple Arthrodesis?

What is a triple arthrodesis surgery? A triple arthrodesis is a surgical procedure that fuses three joints of the ankle and relieves pain from arthritis. A triple arthrodesis is a surgical procedure that fuses three joints of the ankle. It is used to relieve pain from arthritic, deformed, or unstable joints.  Generally, surgeons try to avoid the fusion procedure by …

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What Is the Function of Endocannabinoids?

What is the endocannabinoid system? The endocannabinoid system is a nerve signaling system throughout the human body that helps maintain physiological, emotional and cognitive stability. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex nerve cell signaling system that modulates the central nervous system’s function and helps maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the state of equilibrium in the body in which all the …

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What Is Volar Splinting?

What are volar splints? Volar splints minimize movements and provide support and comfort by stabilizing an injury of the palm or foot, which also reduces pain and helps the injury heal faster. Splints are usually applied to reduce movement and provide support and comfort by stabilizing an injury. They are primarily used during nonemergency injuries to the bones or ligaments …

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What Is a Synchronized Electrical Cardioversion? Arrhythmia Procedure

What does synchronized electrical cardioversion mean? Cardioversion is typically used to terminate a life-threatening or unstable tachycardic arrhythmia. Synchronized electrical cardioversion is a medical procedure in which an electric current is passed through a person’s chest to convert abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) to normal heart rhythm. The direct current (DC) shocks to the heart has long been used successfully to …

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How Long Does a Trigger Point Injection Last?

What is a trigger point injection? Trigger point injections are given to inactivate your trigger points and provide prompt relief from chronic pain from conditions such as myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia. Trigger point injections are given to inactivate your trigger points, resulting in prompt relief from chronic pain.  A trigger point is a painful point in the muscle that …

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How to Differentiate Between the Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19, Allergies, Cold, and Flu?

How are COVID-19, allergies, cold, and flu caused? Symptoms of Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 can easily be confused with symptoms of the common cold or flu, or even allergies. Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. This disease can affect people of any age and gender. Most people with COVID-19 will …

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