Fox News

What Does an Echocardiogram Test For? Heart Conditions

What is an echocardiogram? EKG helps the doctor diagnose various heart conditions. An echocardiogram (EKG) is a painless test that uses ultrasound to show the structure and function of the heart muscle. The ultrasound waves create pictures of the heart so the doctor can diagnose any abnormalities of the heart. What does an echocardiogram test …

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What Can a Liver Biopsy Diagnose? Liver enzymes, Enlargement, Jaundice

What are the important functions of the liver? A liver biopsy is a procedure that involves inserting a small needle into the liver to collect a tissue sample. The liver is the body’s largest internal organ that performs multiple body functions. The liver synthesizes the body's proteins, blood clotting factors, components of lipid (cholesterol), glycogen, and bile. It also helps …

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What Are the Benefits of Ankle Taping and Bracing?

What is ankle taping and bracing? Ankle taping and bracing provides stability to the ankle joint during athletic activity; whether to protect the joint from injury or to stabilize and existing injury. Ankle sprains are one of the most common sports-related injuries in the United States which can result in significant breaks from sports, training and other physical activities. Ankle …

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What Is the Difference Between Left and Right Heart Catheterization?

What is cardiac catheterization? Cardiac catheterization, also known as cardiac cath or heart cath, is a procedure to examine the functioning of the heart. A thin, narrow tube called a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel of an arm or a leg, and is guided to the arteries of the heart using an X-ray camera. The doctor then injects contrast …

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How Long Does Bronchial Thermoplasty Last?

What is bronchial thermoplasty? Bronchial thermoplasty is a procedure to heat and destroy some of the muscle lining the bronci, or airways into the lung. This prevents the bronci from spasming as much, preventing asthma attacks. Bronchial thermoplasty is a procedure used to treat severe asthma. It involves controlled delivery of therapeutic radiofrequency energy to the walls of the lung airways  …

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How Long Does an Exploratory Laparoscopy Take?

What is diagnostic laparoscopy? Laparoscopy procedure usually takes 30 to 60 minutes. Diagnostic laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that evaluates the causes of pain, bleeding, lumps, or diseases in the abdomen. Diagnostic laparoscopy is also called exploratory laparoscopy.  This procedure is done under local anesthesia. During the procedure, a few small incisions are made, a cannula (a narrow tube-like instrument) …

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How Long Can You Leave a Biliary Stent In?

What is a biliary stent? A biliary stent is a tube surgically placed to keep the bile duct open. A biliary stent is a plastic or metal tube inserted into a bile duct. Biliary stenting is a procedure that opens the obstructed bile duct. Obstructed bile duct leads to the accumulation of bile in the liver resulting in yellowing of …

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How Is a Bullectomy Performed?

What is a bullectomy? Bullectomy is the surgical removal of a bulla. Bulla or bullae is a pathological condition of the lungs caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Bulla of the lung develops when emphysema (COPD) damages the lungs to an extent that air pockets start developing.  These air pockets increase in size and apply pressure on the lungs …

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When Are Ankle Splints Used For? Benefits

What are ankle splints? Ankle splints are applied to minimize movement and provide support and comfort by stabilizing an injury at the ankle joint. Splints are primarily used to stabilize injuries to bones until the patient can be evaluated by a consultant, such as an orthopedic surgeon. These are also used to achieve immobilization for primary healing or in the …

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What Is a Bronchovascular Sleeve Resection?

What is a bronchovascular sleeve resection? Bronchovascular sleeve resection is a surgery performed for lung cancer. It is usually performed when the tumor invades the pulmonary artery (the artery carrying blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs for oxygenation), as well as the bronchus. For example, tumors located in the upper left lobe of the lung. …

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