Fox News

What Is Rectal Foreign Body Removal Procedure?

What are the causes of a rectal foreign body? The doctor will take the patient’s complete history to know if the cause of the problems is a rectal foreign body. The Rectum is the part after your bowel where the stools get collected before expulsion from the anus.  A rectal foreign body is an object …

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What Is Elbow Arthrocentesis?

What is elbow arthrocentesis? Arthrocentesis is a procedure to remove fluid from a joint (synovial fluid) using a sterile needle and syringe. Your doctor may perform this procedure if your joint has a limited range of motion because of pain and swelling. Arthrocentesis, when properly performed, may alleviate pressure and relieve joint pain.  Elbow arthrocentesis removes fluid from the elbow …

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What Is Bag Valve Mask Ventilation (BVM) Used For?

What is a bag valve mask? Bag-valve-mask (BVM) or the Ambu bag is a self-inflating bag used to provide ventilation to the person not breathing normally.   Bag valve mask (BVM) ventilation is usually done in an emergency until intubation can be done. A BVM consists of a non-rebreathing valve and a face mask. The opposite end of the bag is …

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What Is Barotrauma in Mechanical Ventilation?

What is barotrauma in mechanical ventilation? Barotrauma is a condition in which the alveoli (air sacs of the lungs) rupture with a subsequent entry of air into the surrounding extra alveolar space. Barotrauma is typically caused by lung air sacs rupturing or a direct injury. Barotrauma can complicate mechanical ventilation, as it is associated with life-threatening conditions or even death. Hence, …

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What Is an Extensor Tendon Repair?

What is an extensor tendon? A tendon is a flexible but inelastic cord of strong tissue that lies next to the bone; they attach a muscle to bone. Extensor tendons of the upper limb are located on the back of the hands, wrists, and fingers. They allow individuals to straighten their fingers and thumbs.  Extensor tendon repair surgery repairs torn …

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What Is Allograft Reconstruction of ACL-Deficient Knee?

What is the function of the knee joint? The knee joint’s main functions are to bend and lift (flex and extend), permitting the body to shift positions. The thigh bone (femur) and the shin bone (tibia) meet the kneecap (patella) to form the knee joint.  Allograft reconstruction rebuilds an ACL-deficient knee with tissue from other parts of the leg. There …

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What Is a Pleural Biopsy Procedure? Purpose & Risks

What is a pleural biopsy? Three types of pleural biopsies are needle biopsy, thoracoscopic biopsy, and open biopsy. A pleural biopsy is a procedure used to remove a sample of the pleura using a special biopsy needle during surgery to diagnose disease, infection or cancer. Pleura is a thin tissue that lines the chest cavity and surrounds the lung. A …

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What Is a Pleurectomy Procedure? Benefits & Risks

What is a pleurectomy? A pleurectomy is a surgical procedure that is done to remove part of the pleura. Pleurectomy is indicated for an individual who has recurrent lung diseases or infections. Lungs are surrounded by a thin lining called pleural membrane (pleura). Pleura help lungs move with ease during respiration. A pleurectomy is a surgical procedure that is done …

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What Is a Piriformis Injection Used to Treat?

What is piriformis syndrome? Sometimes the piriformis muscle can become irritated, swollen, and tight due to injury and twitching. It can then press upon the nearby sciatic nerve. The pyriformis syndrome is a painful neuromuscular condition that develops due to abnormal tightening of the pyriformis muscle situated near the hip joint. The tight muscle irritates or compresses the sciatic nerve …

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What Is a Permanent Pacemaker? Procedure & Complications

What is a pacemaker? The most common use of pacemakers is the treatment of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). A pacemaker is a tiny device (not more than the size of a small matchbox), placed in the chest or abdomen, that sends small electrical impulses to the heart muscles for maintaining a suitable heart rate. It may also be used to …

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