Fox News

What Is Usually the First Sign of Breast Cancer?

What is breast cancer? Women often find a lump in the breast or armpits as the first sign of breast cancer, but other symptoms like changes in breast skin or breast pain are also potential early signs. Breast cancer is the disease in which the cells multiply at an abnormal rate and displace normal breast …

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What Is the Cause of Cotard’s Syndrome?

What is Cotard’s syndrome? The cause of Cotard’s syndrome, a neuropsychiatric condition, is unknown, but certain conditions are likely to cause it, including dementia, encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, subdural bleeding, epilepsy, and migraine. Cotard’s syndrome, also known as walking corpse syndrome, is a neuropsychiatric condition in which people develop false beliefs that their body parts are missing, or they …

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What Is Best for Acne Treatment?

What is acne? Acne treatment options can include lifestyle changes, topical antibiotics, medications, light treatment, and more. Acne is a medical condition affecting the oil glands and hair follicles on the skin. The skin bears tiny openings (skin pores) that connect to the oil glands under the skin. These glands make an oily substance (sebum). The oil glands connect to …

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What Is a Twitching Eye a Sign of?

What is an eye twitch? Infections and nerve disorders may cause eye twitching, but it can also be a harmless response to stress or fatigue. A blepharospasm (eye twitch) is a harmless tic of the eyelid muscle, which may resolve on its own. Eye twitch causes the eyelid to blink every few seconds for a minute or two. Twitches are …

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What Does An Eye Infection Look Like?

What is eye infection? Eye infections may cause the whites to turn pink, eyelids to swell, or a clear or greenish discharge from the tear ducts. Eye infection is a condition in which a virus, bacteria or any other microbial agents may infect the eye. This can cause itching around the eyes, or the eyes may turn pink. The infection …

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What Causes You to Get Shingles?

Shingles is a reactivation of the dormant herpes zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles is often triggered by severe stress, trauma or an illness. Shingles (herpes zoster) is caused by varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Sometimes, in patients with a history of chickenpox, the virus may live in the nervous system for years …

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What Are the Four Types of Lung Cancer?

The four types of lung cancer are based on the cell types and location, as well as how they look under a microscope. Lung cancer is classified into four types, depending on how the cancer cells look under the microscope. Small Cell Lung Cancer (Oat cell lung cancer): This cancer often starts in the bronchi (major airways). Small cell cancers …

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What Are the Four Types of Breast Cancer?

What is breast cancer? The four main classifications of breast cancer are invasive and in-situ ductal carinomas and invasive and in-situ lobular carcinomas. Designations are based on the location and spread of the tumors. Breast cancer is the disease in which cells in the breast grow out-of-control, displacing normal breast cells.  When breast cancer spreads to other parts of the …

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What Is Usually the First Symptom of Testicular Cancer?

What is testicular cancer? The first signs of testicular cancer may be a painless lump, unusual firmness in the affected testicle or dull pain in the groin. Testicular cancer arises from the testes. The testicles are responsible for the production of male sex hormones and sperm for reproduction. They are located within the scrotum, a loose bag of skin below …

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What Are Video Laryngoscopy and Fiberoptic-Assisted Tracheal Intubation?

What are video laryngoscopy and fiberoptic-assisted tracheal intubation? Video laryngoscopy allows for the larynx to be seen with a fiberoptic or digital laryngoscope inserted through the nose or mouth. Fiberoptic intubation inserts an ET tube over the shaft of a flexible fiberoptic scope for visualization. Tracheal intubation, also called intubation, involves placing a flexible plastic tube (endotracheal [ET] tube) into the …

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