Fox News

Pleurisy Symptoms and Treatments

What is pleurisy? Pleurisy is swelling and irritation of the tissues between the lungs and chest wall/rib cage Pleurisy is swelling and irritation of the tissues between the lungs and chest wall/rib cage. Pleurisy causes chest pain and shortness of breath in an individual.  Pleura a thin two-layer protective membrane that covers the lungs and …

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Osteoarthritis and Treatment

What are the treatment options for osteoarthritis? There are many treatment options available to curb the complications of arthritis. Painful swelling of the joints due to wear and tear over many years is called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis may develop in any joint that includes the fingers, hips, and knees. Usually, the joints feel painful during moderate usage for patients with arthritis. …

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Low-Glycemic Foods List Guide

What is a glycemic index? It is better to eat foods that have a low gycemic index to support health. Glycemic index (GI) is a numeric value assigned to foods based on how slowly or quickly they can increase your blood glucose levels. It is a rating system for carbohydrate-containing foods. Foods having a low GI are the ones that …

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Hypothyroidism: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Medication & Treatment

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) definition and facts Readers Comments 23 Share Your Story Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid. Early signs of hypothyroidism include weight gain, high cholesterol, hair loss, fatigue, memory loss, and more. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) refers to any state in which a person's thyroid hormone production is below normal. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) is an overproduction of thyroid hormones. The …

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How Long Is Pneumonia Contagious?

Pneumonia may be contagious for 2-14 days. Pneumonia may be contagious for 2-14 days. Usually, the goal of medications given for pneumonia is to limit the spread of the disease. A person with bacterial pneumonia will stop being contagious within two days of taking antibiotics. However, rarely, the treatment may have to be administered for at least two weeks or …

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How Long Does Pleurisy Last?

Pleurisy commonly lasts for a few days to a couple of weeks. Pleurisy commonly lasts for a few days to a couple of weeks. Very rarely, the bacteria or virus can spread and cause pleurisy in others. In most conditions duration of pleurisy usually depends on the underlying cause. If the cause can be fully treated and cured, such as …

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What Is Intravenous Insulin Therapy?

Is IV insulin therapy different from daily insulin injections? Intravenous insulin is only administered in a diabetic or other emergency; people with diabetes administer their daily insulin doses subcutaneously. Intravenous insulin therapy is a treatment procedure to manage high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) with intravenous infusion of insulin. Intravenous insulin is administered only in a hospital ICU setting in selected critically …

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What Are the Uses of Neuroprotective Agents in Stroke?

What is a stroke? Neuroprotective agents theoretically can reduce secondary brain damage from a stroke. No drug for this purpose has been FDA-approved, but many are under study. A stroke is an interruption in blood supply to a part of the brain causing brain tissue damage. Stroke is a medical emergency and one of the leading causes of death and …

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How Do You Give Intravenous Insulin Therapy?

What is intravenous insulin therapy? IV insulin is administered as an emergency procedure; it is dangerous and must be done under supervision of a doctor. Intravenous insulin therapy is a treatment procedure to control high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) in ICU patients. Rapid and efficient control of hyperglycemia improves recovery rates and reduces mortality in critically ill patients. Intravenous insulin therapy …

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What Equipment and Medications Are Required for Endotracheal Intubation?

What is endotracheal intubation? Endotracheal intubation is a common procedure, but it can be traumatic and quite involved. Intubation requires 10 or more pieces of medical equipment, multiple medications and dozens of steps. Endotracheal intubation is the procedure to insert a flexible tube into the airway (trachea) through the mouth or the nose. Endotracheal intubation is performed during general anesthesia …

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