Fox News

What Is the Fastest Way to Cure Tennis Elbow? Treatment, Prevention

The fastest way to cure tennis elbow includes taking prescribed medication and self-care measures, including tennis elbow exercises that strengthen your muscles. The fastest way to cure tennis elbow requires taking medications as prescribed by your doctor and self-care measures, such as making lifestyle modifications. Tennis elbow, medically called lateral epicondylitis, is a self-limiting condition, …

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Can Male Infertility Be Treated?

Deciding to start a family is an exciting choice for any couple. Still, many couples find that getting pregnant isn’t as simple as they hoped. Infertility affects one in seven couples. Figuring out what causes infertility is a challenge both partners face. Female infertility is not the only reason that couples can’t conceive a baby. Male infertility is also a …

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Can You Have Sex Right After a Heart Attack?

Sex is an integral part of most people's lives. After a heart attack, though, some people may be too shy to ask their doctors when they can resume sexual activity. However, this is a conversation that you must have with your healthcare provider since the timeframe differs from one individual to another.  Generally, it would be best if you took …

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What Type of a Reaction Is Red Man Syndrome? Causes, How to Treat

Red man syndrome is a hypersensitive response to the antibiotic vancomycin, which although it is not an allergy, has symptoms that are like those of an allergic reaction. Red man syndrome is a reaction or hypersensitive response to the antibiotic vancomycin. Although the condition is not an allergy, it has symptoms that are like those of an allergic reaction. The …

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What Is the Fastest Way to Cure Tennis Elbow? Treatment, Prevention

The fastest way to cure tennis elbow includes taking prescribed medication and self-care measures, including tennis elbow exercises that strengthen your muscles. The fastest way to cure tennis elbow requires taking medications as prescribed by your doctor and self-care measures, such as making lifestyle modifications. Tennis elbow, medically called lateral epicondylitis, is a self-limiting condition, which means it is most …

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Why Do I Have Stomach Pain at Night?

What is stomach pain? Cramping abdominal pain arises from hyperactivity of normal intestinal peristalsis, also known as muscle contractions, and can be caused by excess gas, irritation of the intestines from infection or inflammation, blockage, and even stress. One of the worst feelings is to wake up in the middle of the night with a pain in your stomach. Not …

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What Causes an Umbilical Hernia?

What are umbilical hernias? In newborns, if the gap in the abdominal muscles doesn't close and a small part of the baby's intestines pokes through the opening, it creates an umbilical hernia. In adults repeated abdominal muscle strain, chronic health conditions that put strain on the abdomen, muscle weakness due to age, obesity, and pregnancy can lead to umbilical hernias. …

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What Are the Two Crucial Signs of Anaphylaxis? Trigger Factors

The two crucial signs of an anaphylactic reaction are as follows: tightness of the throat and swelling over the body. Anaphylaxis is defined as a group of symptoms exhibited by the body in reaction to a particular substance. Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening reaction and therefore must be promptly spotted and treated. The two crucial signs of an anaphylactic reaction …

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What Are the Main Causes of Pericarditis?

What is pericarditis? Pericarditis is an inflammation of the tissue called the pericardium, that surrounds your heart. Sometimes your pericardium can weaken enough that it develops infection and inflammation. Pericarditis is an inflammation of the tissue that surrounds your heart. This tissue, a fluid-filled sac called the pericardium, protects your heart from over-expanding, keeps your heart lubricated, and allows your …

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What Are the First Signs of a Bad Gallbladder?

What is a bad gallbladder? The first sign of a bad gallbladder is pain in your upper right abdomen, where your gallbladder is located. The most common gallbladder problem is gallstones. The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ that is underneath your liver and stores bile. Bile is a digestive fluid that breaks down fat. The gallbladder plays an important …

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