Fox News

How Would You Know If a Person Has Scurvy?

What is scurvy? When you think of  scurvy, you may imagine pirates sailing across the open sea. Sailors were prone to scurvy because they were at sea for months without vitamin C-rich fresh fruits and vegetables. But scurvy can affect civilians, too. Scurvy is a severe vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is essential to maintaining …

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How Do You Know If Your Child Has Bronchitis?

What is bronchitis? Bronchitis occurs when the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to the lungs, become irritated and inflamed. When they are inflamed, the lungs produce excess mucus and cause your child to cough. Acute bronchitis is sometimes called a chest cold. It can develop after your child has a cold or upper respiratory infection. Bronchitis occurs when …

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How Do You Know if Your Appendix Has Burst?

What is the appendix? The appendix is a small organ located in the lower right of your abdomen. Symptoms of a burst appendix include pain, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. Untreated appendicitis can lead to a ruptured, or burst, appendix. If your appendix ruptures, the infection will leak into your abdominal cavity and cause peritonitis. Peritonitis is an …

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How Do You Know If You Have Tonsillitis?

What is tonsillitis? If you find that, your tonsils are large, red, and swollen, when swallowing if you feel like there are obstructions in your throat, you may be suffering from tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils due to infection. The tonsils are two fleshy lumps, one on the left and one on the right, toward the back …

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How Can I Relieve Middle Finger Pain?

Middle Finger Pain The fingers or digits of the hand are involved in performing various tasks throughout the day. The fingers or digits of the hand are involved in performing various tasks throughout the day. Be it fine movements such as typing, writing, and painting or gross movements such as lifting weights, the fingers are involved in doing them all. …

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What Does High White Blood Cell Count Mean When Pregnant?

What is high white blood cell count when pregnant? High white blood cell count when pregnant is very likely due to stress from pregnancy. Some effects of pregnancy are very obvious, but some are far more subtle. For example, pregnant women experience an average of 50% increase in blood volume. Because you have more blood as a pregnant woman, it’s …

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Why Is Videostroboscopy Done?

Videostroboscopy or stroboscopy is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure. Videostroboscopy or stroboscopy is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure. This is done to evaluate the vocal cords and the surrounding structures. It provides the doctor with a slow-moving, magnified view of your vocal cords in action. It is performed by an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) surgeon. The advantage of this procedure is …

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Why Are Whole Grains Better? Health Benefits

Whole grains have several health benefits, such as high in nutrients and fiber. Grains are seeds of grass-like plants called cereals, such as corn, rice, and wheat. Grains may be refined or whole. Whole grain is the grain consumed without undergoing processing. It contains the bran (an outer shell that contains fiber, minerals, and antioxidants), germ (inner layer containing vitamins, …

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Which Lip Filler Is the Best? Advantages & Disadvantages

Fillers are substances that are injected into the skin, beneath the superficial layer (dermal layer), anywhere in your face or body. They are of various types, are soft, and have a gel-like consistency. The goal of lip fillers is to provide volume, diminish lip lines, and provide hydration to the lips. Which lip filler is the best? All fillers have …

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What Is Considered Holistic Medicine?

Integrative medicine is often considered holistic medicine. Integrative medicine is often considered holistic medicine. It claims to blend the conventional and complementary treatment approach when treating the patient. It is prudent to note that holistic medicine uses many approaches, which have not been studied in detail. There have been several instances where the individuals, who sought holistic medicine, have suffered …

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