Fox News

What Is the Best Treatment for Vertigo?

What is vertigo? Most episodes of vertigo resolve without medical intervention. Treatment options may depend on your symptoms, diagnosis, and underlying conditions. These treatments may include balance therapy, or medications such as Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) or Antivert (meclizine). Most people have experienced vertigo or something close to it. It is important to know what vertigo is …

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What Is Palo Santo Good For?

Palo santo is a term used for different varieties of trees that are saturated with a unique resin. Palo santo is a term used for different varieties of trees that are saturated with a unique resin. The botanical origin of trees varies, but most of them come from Burseraceae family trees, mainly Bursera graveolens, a wild tree that grows in …

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What Happens in Oxidation?

Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of negative charged subatomic particles (electrons). Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of negative charged subatomic particles (electrons). The uneven number of electrons makes these highly reactive. These free radicals react with oxygen in the body. This process is called oxidation. Oxidation is a normal process that happens in …

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What Are the Four Types of Schema in Psychology?

Types of schemas Schemas act as filters, accentuating and downplaying various elements. There are four basic types of schemas that help to understand and interpret the world around us. They are: Role schema Object schema Self-schema Event schema Role schema is norms and expected behavior from people with a specific role in society. It includes both achieved roles and ascribed …

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Turf Toe: Treatment, Symptoms, Surgery & Recovery Time

What is turf toe? Turf toe refers to a sprain of the big toe joint. Turf toe is an injury to the underside of the big toe and joint at the base of the big toe. This joint, the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, is commonly known as the "ball of the foot." Turf toe is specifically a hyperextension of the big …

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What Is Hyperdontia? Treatment for Supernumerary Teeth

Hyperdontia is the condition of having an excess number of teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth count as extra teeth. Hyperdontia is an oral condition characterized by having an excess number of teeth. The standard number of primary teeth is 20 and the standard number of permanent teeth is 32. Primary teeth are the first set of teeth that erupt in a …

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How Serious Is Having a Stent Put In?

A stent is a tube that the surgeon fixes in a blocked artery. A stent is a tube that the surgeon fixes in a blocked artery. Most sites of stent placement are carotid arteries and coronary arteries. The carotid arteries are located on each side of the neck and are the main arteries supplying blood to the brain. The carotid …

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How Long Does It Take to Rehydrate After Dehydration?

What is dehydration? If your dehydration is mild to moderate, it is possible to rehydrate with home care within a few hours. Drinking enough water is important for a wide variety of reasons. Being well-hydrated helps you regulate your body temperature, keeps your joints lubricated, prevents infections, gets nutrients to your cells, and keeps your organs functioning smoothly. Good hydration …

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How Do You Treat Tendonitis in the Elbow?

What is tendonitis in the elbow? You can treat tendonitis in the elbow with medications, home remedies, alternative therapies, and surgery. Tendons are the soft tissue that connects your muscles to your bones. They are tough but flexible and can be large or small depending on the area of the body. When tendons become inflamed, irritated, or undergo microscopic tears, …

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How Do You Treat Jaundice in Newborns?

What is jaundice in newborns? Sunlight is the best treatment for jaundice. However in the hospital, your baby has several treatment options depending on the severity of the condition. Jaundice is a common condition affecting many newborns. While it can be a serious condition, it is also easy to treat and cure.  Some babies are born with a yellow tint …

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