Fox News

What Does a Low or High MCHC Mean in a Blood Test?

What is MCHC? MCHC, short for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, is a measurement of the amount of hemoglobin in your blood. You might have a MCHC test done as a part of a complete health check, or it can be used to help diagnose certain health problems.  Having particularly high or low levels of hemoglobin …

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What Do You Mean by LASER? Laser Therapy

A laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a technology that emits a special kind of intense light A laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a technology that emits a special kind of intense light that travels in a narrow beam. Laser therapy in medicine uses this strong beam of light to cut, burn, or …

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What Causes Mongolian Spots on Baby?

What are Mongolian spots? Mongolian spots on babies are slate gray nevi spots that appear when melanocytes or cells that produce melanin remain in the deeper skin layers during womb development. Why this happens is not known. Skin color in babies often changes depending on the environment and health. Other factors that influence a baby's skin color include the baby's …

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What Are the Types of Amnesia? 13 Types

The memory loss can be temporary or permanent. Amnesia or memory loss is defined as unusual forgetfulness where the loss of memory is greater than ordinary circumstances. The memory loss can be temporary or permanent. In severe cases, memory impairment may interfere with daily activities. The most common types of amnesia include: Types How it affects Anterograde amnesia It is …

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What Are the Symptoms of Worm Infestation in Humans? 6 Common Types

Worm infestation occurs in humans when parasitic worms, also known as intestinal worms, live and grow inside the body. Some of the common symptoms include: Abdominal pain Intestinal cramps and colic Diarrhea Dysentery (loose stools containing blood and mucus) Nausea or vomiting Gas or bloating Fatigue Weight loss Additionally, each worm infection has the following distinct signs and symptoms: Pinworm …

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What Are the Different Complexes?

Types of complexes The American Psychological Association defines complexes as a group or system of related ideas or impulses that have a common emotional tone and exert a strong but usually unconscious influence on the individual’s attitudes and behavior. Different complexes include the Oedipus/Electra, persecution, inferiority, superiority, Madonna-whore, God, guilt and martyr complexes. The American Psychological Association defines complexes as a …

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What Are Five Common Acids?

The five common acids have several uses in medicine, industries, and at home. The five common acids have several uses in medicine, industries, and at home. The five common acids are sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, lactic acid, and acetic acid. Sulfuric acid Sulfuric acid is an oily and highly corrosive liquid. It is formed naturally in sulfide minerals …

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Acute & Chronic Pancreatitis: Symptoms, Treatment, Causes & Diet

Acute pancreatitis generally develops suddenly, and it is usually a short-term (a few days to weeks) illnesses that typically resolves with appropriate medical management. Chronic pancreatitis, which typically develops after multiple episodes of acute pancreatitis, is a long-term condition that can last for months or even several years.Source: Getty Images What should I know about pancreatitis? What is the medical …

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How Effective Is PEP?

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) involves taking anti-HIV medications immediately after any potential exposure to HIV Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) involves taking anti-HIV medications immediately after any potential exposure to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) to prevent HIV infection (acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS). PEP may prevent HIV from entering the cells in the body and stop someone from getting an HIV infection. …

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How Do You Know if You Have Had a Miscarriage?

What is a miscarriage? Signs you may have had a miscarriage include bleeding, discharge, and contractions. Contact your doctor as soon as possible. When a pregnancy ends on its own at some point during the first twenty weeks of gestation, it is referred to as a miscarriage. Research has shown that up to 25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage and …

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