Fox News

Does JIA Arthritis Go Away? 9 Symptoms, 5 Types, Treatment

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common type of arthritis diagnosed in children younger than 16 years. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is either a short-term or chronic condition. JIA is usually classified as a chronic condition because the affected joints are inflamed for at least six weeks. It is an autoimmune disease where healthy …

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Can You Survive Deep Vein Thrombosis? 8 Symptoms, Survival Rate

Learn to recognize the warning symptoms of deep vein thrombosis and prevent it from becoming a problem. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is not a life-threatening condition if it is detected and treated in the early stages. The severity of DVT stems from its potential consequences, which are essentially: Thrombosis and embolism in the lung despite therapy Hemorrhage caused by medication …

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Can You Become Schizophrenic From Drugs?

What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a severe long-term mental condition that interferes with a person's ability to distinguish their thoughts from reality. Drug use may lead to the development of schizophrenia. Drug use may lead to the development of schizophrenia. 60% of people with schizophrenia have reported having abused drugs or alcohol in their lifetime. While drugs don’t directly cause …

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Can Melatonin Cause Behavior Problems?

The benefits of melatonin Many children and teenagers can't fall asleep and sleep through the night. Those who support the use of melatonin argue it offers benefits without any increase in significant behavior problems in children. Many children and teenagers can't fall asleep and sleep through the night ( insomnia). Insomnia causes many problems for children and their parents. Melatonin is …

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Can Certain Foods Affect Your Thyroid?

What is the thyroid? Thyroid disease is a very common health problem. There is no specific diet that will dramatically affect the symptoms of thyroid disease. Thyroid disease is a very common health problem. As many as 20 million people in America have some form of thyroid disease. It is especially common among women. There are safe and effective medical …

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What Is Macrocytic Anemia? Causes

Macrocytic anemia is a condition in which red blood cells are larger than normal and hemoglobin levels in the blood are low Macrocytic anemia is a condition in which red blood cells are larger than normal and hemoglobin levels in the blood are low due to increased RBC destruction. Enlarged red blood cells (macrocytosis) are more prone to rupture before …

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When Should I See a Doctor for an Internal Stye? 7 Signs, Treatment

7 signs that necessitates medical attention for an internal stye Here are 7 signs that necessitate medical attention for an internal stye, which includes bleeding, impaired vision, and bulging of the eyes. Here are 7 signs that indicate medical attention is required for an internal stye: No progress over the first few days or if the stye might persist up …

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Is Tea or Coffee Better for Your Health?

Tea vs. coffee Tea is generally safe, even in large amounts. While coffee is also safe to drink, high amounts can cause some problems. After water, tea is the most popular drink in the world. It’s made from steeping dried leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant and is commonly called black tea. Tea leaves are crushed, dried, and fermented to …

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Is a Bartholin’s Cyst an STD? Definition & Causes

In rare cases, a Bartholin’s cyst may be caused by STIs such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. However, the cyst itself is not an STD A Bartholin’s cyst is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). In rare cases, a Bartholin’s cyst may be caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. However, the cyst itself is not sexually …

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What Are the 5 Signs of PTSD? 4 Phases, Symptoms, Treatment

The 5 signs of PTSD include exposure, intrusion symptoms, avoidance, altered mood, and altered reactivity. Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have a significant effect on your daily life. They usually appear within the first month of a traumatic event. However, in a small percentage of cases, symptoms may not appear for months or even years. Some people with …

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