How Do You Fix a Prolapsed Uterus?

What is a prolapsed uterus?

You can usually fix a prolapsed uterus with medications, home care, or surgery.
You can usually fix a prolapsed uterus with medications, home care, or surgery.

Uterine prolapse is when the uterus sags through the pelvic muscles that usually keep it in place. Experts estimate that half of all women experience some degree of bladder or uterine prolapse after giving birth. However, only 10-20% of women have severe enough cases to seek medical treatment.

A “hammock” of muscles and ligaments normally holds the uterus in its usual position. However, these supportive structures may experience some wear and tear that causes the bottom of the uterus to drop through these layers. This may lead to the uterus bulging into or even out of the vagina.

Symptoms of a prolapsed uterus

Some cases of prolapsed uterus have no symptoms. Typically, cases that have no symptoms are only a partial prolapse. More severe cases may include symptoms like:

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    Complications and side effects of a prolapsed uterus

    Doing pelvic floor exercises and using a pessary are low-risk. However, doing either of these outside of the care of a doctor may be dangerous. You should get proper training on how to perform the exercises and use a pessary to avoid further injury.

    Any surgery carries risks, including the surgery for a prolapsed uterus. Surgery may be riskier for you if you:

    Experts recommend that women wait until they are done having children to have surgery to repair a prolapsed uterus, because it is likely that giving birth again will cause another prolapse.

    This surgery may also cause new problems to arise, like chronic pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse, the involuntary leakage of urine.

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