How Do I Get Rid of Flies in My House?

Getting rid of flies

Flies found in houses are referred to as houseflies and nuisance flies. Flies found in houses are referred to as houseflies and nuisance flies.

Flies found in houses are referred to as houseflies and nuisance flies. They are found in almost every place where people live. They flourish and breed on animal wastes, garbage, and decaying organic material.

Housefly infestation can pose a big problem because they cause various human diseases such as jaundice and typhoid.

Some simple and easy ways are known to work to get rid of flies in the house. These include:

  • Vinegar and liquid dish detergent flytrap: Take a jar or a bowl and fill half or one-third of it with apple cider vinegar. Next, gently mix in a few drops of dish soap. Then, leave it on your counter for several hours. The flies are attracted to the smell of apple cider vinegar and drown inside the soap.
  • Cayenne pepper spray: Cayenne pepper is a natural anti-fly solution that acts as a repellent spray. To make the solution, mix cayenne pepper in water and spray it around the house.
  • Eucalyptus oil repellent: Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a handkerchief or a cotton cloth and place it near the doors and windows.
  • Sachets of herbs: Make sachets with the muslin cloth and stuff them with dried basil leaves, bay leaves, cloves, and eucalyptus oil. Place the sachets near doors or windows or the places where flies are causing a problem.
  • Plantations: Some herbs and flowers planted outside or inside your house act as natural repellents. These include:
    • Basil
    • Mint
    • Lavender flower
    • Marigold flower
    • Nasturtiums flower
    • Bay leaves
  • Creating a funnel (or inverted cone) trap: There are two ways in which a funnel trap can be created:
    • Cut the upper part of a bottle and put some attractant, such as sweet or any other sugary stuff or decaying food, in the bottom part of the bottle. Invert the cut upper part and place it over the remaining part of the bottle. The flies get attracted to the sweet and get trapped in the bottle.
    • You can make a paper cone to fit into a jar filled one-third with sugary drinks or wine that will attract the flies.
  • Venus flytrap: You can plant an insectivorous plant known as Venus flytrap that catches the fly when it is around and eats it.
  • Fly swatters and bug zappers: You can use these to control small numbers of flies.

If the above measures do not solve the problem of fly infestation, you can try the following methods:

  • Insecticides: Pyrethrin-based insecticides are most common for indoor fly infestations. Look for the ones that are specifically for indoor use. Ventilate the area well and follow the directions exactly. Keep them away from pets and children.
  • Sticky fly paper or ribbons: Strips of sticky paper available in markets can be hung or laid down throughout your house.
  • Light traps: Boxes with a light in the back that attracts flies and either traps them or kills them with an electric zap.

Preventive measures of fly control include blocking the entry points of the flies and maintaining sanitation inside and outside your home. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Sealing the cracks around windows and doors
  • Well-fitted screens
  • Regular removal (at least once a week) and disposal of pet feces and kitchen waste
  • Keeping the dustbins closed and away from the house

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