What Are the 3 Main Types of Lung Disease? 10 Chronic Illnesses

3 main types of lung diseases

lung disease
Lung diseases are one of the world's most serious public health issues, accounting for about one-sixth of all fatalities globally.

Lung illnesses are among the most frequent respiratory ailments worldwide. It refers to diseases of the lungs and other organs that allow us to breathe.

Most breathing issues are caused by lung illnesses, which can hinder the body from obtaining enough oxygen.

Lung illnesses are classified into three main types that include:

  1. Airway diseases:
  2. Lung tissue diseases (parenchymal diseases):
    • These affect the supporting structures of the lung tissue.
    • Inflammation or scarring of the tissue makes it difficult for the lungs to fully expand while breathing.
    • As a result, it is difficult for the lungs to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.
    • Examples include:
  3. Lung circulation diseases:
    • These conditions affect the blood arteries in the lungs and are caused by clotting, inflammation, or scarring.
    • They impair the lung's capacity to absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.
    • They may affect cardiac function in rare circumstances.
    • Examples include:

It is critical to understand that most lung disorders involve a combination of these categories.

4 important signs and symptoms of lung diseases

It is critical to pay attention to the following symptoms because they may be the earliest indicators of a long illness. Knowing the disease's early warning signals might help you plan for better treatment before it becomes urgent or life-threatening.

  1. Wheezing or noisy breathing:
    • It is a sign that something is blocking the airways of your lungs, making them narrow.
  2. Chronic mucus production:
    • Sputum, commonly called mucus or phlegm, is produced by the airways as a defense against infections or irritants. 
    • If the production of your mucus has lasted for over a month, it could be an indication of lung disease.
  3. Shortness of breath:
    • Shortness of breath that persists after an exercise or exertion is not natural.
    • Difficulty or labored breathing might be an indication of a respiratory condition.
  4. Coughing up blood:
    • If you cough up blood, it might be from your upper respiratory tract or lungs.
    • It is a symptom of a major health condition, regardless of where it is originating from.

5 common causes and risk factors for most lung diseases

Causes of all lung diseases remain unknown. However, a few of the causes and risk factors may include:

  1. Genetic predisposition:
    • Allergies and hyperreactive airways may have a genetic predisposition.
  2. Environmental pollution:
    • Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide produced as a result of industrial emissions and automobile emissions are toxic to lung tissues.
  3. Smoking:
    • One of the primary causes of lung illness is smoke from cigars, cigarettes, or pipes. As a result, if you are a smoker, it is critical that you quit. 
    • Secondhand smoking should be avoided because it is very dangerous to all newborns, children, and even adults.
  4. Asbestos:
    • Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber that is used in fireproofing materials, vehicle brakes, insulation, and other items.
    • It can emit small, sometimes microscopic, fibers that can be inhaled. Furthermore, it destroys lung cells and produces lung scarring or lung cancer.
  5. Radon:
    • This is a colorless and odorless gas found in many houses that have been linked to lung cancer.
    • The majority of kits purchased from hardware stores include radon.


COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is the same as adult-onset asthma.
See Answer

What are chronic lung diseases?

Lungs are always working, yet we don't realize how important they are until they fail. We all have an occasional cold or flu and suffer through coughing and wheezing. Fortunately, these short-term lung difficulties resolve.

Unfortunately, millions of Americans suffer from chronic lung disease, which may be life-limiting, painful, and even deadly.

10 chronic lung diseases

Ten chronic lung diseases include:

  1. Respiratory infection:
  2. Pneumonia:
    • Pneumonia is a chest illness in which one or both lungs become inflamed.
    • As the air sacs in the lungs swell with fluid, it makes breathing harder.
    • Although the illness might be fatal, it is usually curable.
    • Pneumonia is generally a contagious bacterial infection that you can receive from another person. Pneumonia can be caused by viruses such as coronavirus.
    • Symptoms of pneumonia include:
    • Risk factors for pneumonia include:
      • Smokers
      • Elderly people
      • Pre-existing lung conditions
  3. Asthma:
    • Asthma is a chronic disorder that causes the airways to enlarge, restrict and create excess mucus when exposed to pollutants such as smoking, dust, or mold. This constriction makes it harder to breathe.
    • Symptoms of asthma include:
    • Risk factors of asthma include:
      • Family history of asthma
      • Viral respiratory infections
      • Allergies
      • Long-term exposure to environmental or occupational pollutants
      • Smoking
  4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):
    • It is a chronic, progressive illness that makes breathing difficult.
    • COPD involves inflamed airways and the destruction of alveoli, which are small air sacs that allow oxygen into the blood.
    • This implies that less oxygen enters the body, and it is more difficult to expel carbon dioxide.
    • COPD refers to a range of diseases that include emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
    • Symptoms of COPD include:
      • Shortness of breath
      • Wheezing
      • Cough with excess phlegm
    • Risk factors for COPD include:
      • Smoking
      • Environmental or occupational pollutants
      • Alpha-1 deficiency
  5. Lung cancer:
    • Lung cancer can begin in one or both lungs. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in American men and women.
    • Symptoms of lung cancer include:
    • Risk factors for lung cancer include:
      • Smoking
      • Radon exposure
      • Long-term exposure to hazardous chemicals
      • Pollution
      • Family history of lung cancer
  6. Pulmonary hypertension:
  7. Obstructive sleep apnea:
    • It is a sleep condition in which breathing suddenly stops during the night. This occurs when the neck muscles relax and restrict the airway of your body.
    • Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include:
      • Excessive daytime fatigue
      • Loud snoring when you stop breathing during sleep
      • Abrupt awakenings with gasping or choking
    • Risk factors for sleep apnea include:
  8. Bronchiectasis:
    • Bronchiectasis is caused by damage to the airways (or bronchi) that connect to the lungs. It creates mucus buildup, which can lead to bacterial infections and lasting damage. Bronchiectasis can affect anybody at any age; however, it is more frequent in middle-aged and elderly people.
    • Symptoms of bronchiectasis include:
      • Coughing up phlegm
      • Feeling breathless
  9. Tuberculosis:
    • It is a form of lung illness caused by inhaling Mycobacterium tuberculosis germs.
    • People with compromised immune systems are more likely to get tuberculosis.
    • However, a vaccination is available for newborns, toddlers, and people younger than 35 years who are at risk of tuberculosis.
    • The most common symptoms of tuberculosis include:
  10. Coronavirus (COVID-19):
    • COVID-19 is a respiratory ailment caused by a specific coronavirus. Most people who contract it recover completely within a few weeks.
    • However, in severe situations, particularly in the elderly and those with pre-existing diseases, it can lead to long-term respiratory complaints and even death.
    • The main symptoms of COVID-19 include:
      • Persistent cough
      • Fever
      • Loss or change to your sense of smell and/or taste

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How are lung diseases treated?

Rest and recovery through hydration are one of the best treatment options for most lung diseases. However, if you have serious symptoms for a long period, you should see a doctor right away. There are several therapies available, depending on the type of lung illness discovered.

  • Depending on underlying conditions, medications such as antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals may be prescribed.
  • Symptomatic management is an important part of treating lung diseases.
  • Inhalers or bronchodilators could help relieve the symptoms, opening the airways.
  • People with shortness of breath are treated with oxygen therapy, in which specified quantities of oxygen are supplied through a mask.
  • Corticosteroids are occasionally used to alleviate inflammation and edema in the lung tissues.
  • In severe cases of lung illness, thoracic surgical operations are done to increase lung capacity or enhance diaphragm expansion and contraction for better lung function.
  • A lung transplant is the last choice for people who have advanced lung illness. However, it is critical to implement other measures such as lifestyle management that not only assist maintain lung function but also prevent illness.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation involves exercise, breathing methods, nutritional treatment, relaxation, emotional and group support counseling, medication education, and lifestyle recommendations.

How can you prevent lung disease?

Although not all lung disease is preventable, some habits can help reduce your risk:

  • Cigarette smoking is by far the most significant risk factor. If you want to keep your lungs healthy, don't smoke.
  • Other pollutants, such as animal dander, industrial fumes, or high levels of dust, might predispose you to certain illnesses; therefore, reduce occupational and environmental pollutants wherever possible.
  • Even in the presence of these diseases, regular exercise is essential for healthy lung health. Both the heart and lungs will benefit from exercise. Breathing will be easier if both your heart and lungs are in a good shape.
  • Because the majority of respiratory illnesses are viral, people should prevent them by avoiding close contact with those who have respiratory infections and washing their hands often, especially during flu season. 
  • Getting a flu vaccination each season can help protect you from the three or four most prevalent flu viruses.
  • Wearing masks at all times and maintaining social distance are important preventive measures that may help avoid most lung diseases.

What are the long-term effects of lung disease?

Chronic lung problems may not have a permanent solution, but they can be properly treated to lead a healthier life. If you have a persistent lung issue, get medical attention to relieve your symptoms. Even if you have not been diagnosed with chronic lung disease, it may be prudent to monitor possible symptoms so that they might be identified and treated early. 

Lung diseases are one of the world's most serious public health issues, accounting for about one-sixth of all fatalities globally. The effect of lung disorders is still as significant now as it was at the turn of the century, and it is expected to stay so for several decades.

Lung diseases cause impairment and early death. They have a high cost associated with primary care, hospital care, and therapies, as well as lost productivity from individuals who are unable to work and people who die prematurely as a result of their disease.

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What Are the 3 Main Types of Lung Disease? 10 Chronic Illnesses

3 main types of lung diseases

lung disease
Lung diseases are one of the world's most serious public health issues, accounting for about one-sixth of all fatalities globally.

Lung illnesses are among the most frequent respiratory ailments worldwide. It refers to diseases of the lungs and other organs that allow us to breathe.

Most breathing issues are caused by lung illnesses, which can hinder the body from obtaining enough oxygen.

Lung illnesses are classified into three main types that include:

  1. Airway diseases:
  2. Lung tissue diseases (parenchymal diseases):
    • These affect the supporting structures of the lung tissue.
    • Inflammation or scarring of the tissue makes it difficult for the lungs to fully expand while breathing.
    • As a result, it is difficult for the lungs to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.
    • Examples include:
  3. Lung circulation diseases:
    • These conditions affect the blood arteries in the lungs and are caused by clotting, inflammation, or scarring.
    • They impair the lung's capacity to absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.
    • They may affect cardiac function in rare circumstances.
    • Examples include:

It is critical to understand that most lung disorders involve a combination of these categories.

4 important signs and symptoms of lung diseases

It is critical to pay attention to the following symptoms because they may be the earliest indicators of a long illness. Knowing the disease's early warning signals might help you plan for better treatment before it becomes urgent or life-threatening.

  1. Wheezing or noisy breathing:
    • It is a sign that something is blocking the airways of your lungs, making them narrow.
  2. Chronic mucus production:
    • Sputum, commonly called mucus or phlegm, is produced by the airways as a defense against infections or irritants. 
    • If the production of your mucus has lasted for over a month, it could be an indication of lung disease.
  3. Shortness of breath:
    • Shortness of breath that persists after an exercise or exertion is not natural.
    • Difficulty or labored breathing might be an indication of a respiratory condition.
  4. Coughing up blood:
    • If you cough up blood, it might be from your upper respiratory tract or lungs.
    • It is a symptom of a major health condition, regardless of where it is originating from.

5 common causes and risk factors for most lung diseases

Causes of all lung diseases remain unknown. However, a few of the causes and risk factors may include:

  1. Genetic predisposition:
    • Allergies and hyperreactive airways may have a genetic predisposition.
  2. Environmental pollution:
    • Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide produced as a result of industrial emissions and automobile emissions are toxic to lung tissues.
  3. Smoking:
    • One of the primary causes of lung illness is smoke from cigars, cigarettes, or pipes. As a result, if you are a smoker, it is critical that you quit. 
    • Secondhand smoking should be avoided because it is very dangerous to all newborns, children, and even adults.
  4. Asbestos:
    • Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber that is used in fireproofing materials, vehicle brakes, insulation, and other items.
    • It can emit small, sometimes microscopic, fibers that can be inhaled. Furthermore, it destroys lung cells and produces lung scarring or lung cancer.
  5. Radon:
    • This is a colorless and odorless gas found in many houses that have been linked to lung cancer.
    • The majority of kits purchased from hardware stores include radon.


COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is the same as adult-onset asthma.
See Answer

What are chronic lung diseases?

Lungs are always working, yet we don't realize how important they are until they fail. We all have an occasional cold or flu and suffer through coughing and wheezing. Fortunately, these short-term lung difficulties resolve.

Unfortunately, millions of Americans suffer from chronic lung disease, which may be life-limiting, painful, and even deadly.

10 chronic lung diseases

Ten chronic lung diseases include:

  1. Respiratory infection:
  2. Pneumonia:
    • Pneumonia is a chest illness in which one or both lungs become inflamed.
    • As the air sacs in the lungs swell with fluid, it makes breathing harder.
    • Although the illness might be fatal, it is usually curable.
    • Pneumonia is generally a contagious bacterial infection that you can receive from another person. Pneumonia can be caused by viruses such as coronavirus.
    • Symptoms of pneumonia include:
    • Risk factors for pneumonia include:
      • Smokers
      • Elderly people
      • Pre-existing lung conditions
  3. Asthma:
    • Asthma is a chronic disorder that causes the airways to enlarge, restrict and create excess mucus when exposed to pollutants such as smoking, dust, or mold. This constriction makes it harder to breathe.
    • Symptoms of asthma include:
    • Risk factors of asthma include:
      • Family history of asthma
      • Viral respiratory infections
      • Allergies
      • Long-term exposure to environmental or occupational pollutants
      • Smoking
  4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):
    • It is a chronic, progressive illness that makes breathing difficult.
    • COPD involves inflamed airways and the destruction of alveoli, which are small air sacs that allow oxygen into the blood.
    • This implies that less oxygen enters the body, and it is more difficult to expel carbon dioxide.
    • COPD refers to a range of diseases that include emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
    • Symptoms of COPD include:
      • Shortness of breath
      • Wheezing
      • Cough with excess phlegm
    • Risk factors for COPD include:
      • Smoking
      • Environmental or occupational pollutants
      • Alpha-1 deficiency
  5. Lung cancer:
    • Lung cancer can begin in one or both lungs. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in American men and women.
    • Symptoms of lung cancer include:
    • Risk factors for lung cancer include:
      • Smoking
      • Radon exposure
      • Long-term exposure to hazardous chemicals
      • Pollution
      • Family history of lung cancer
  6. Pulmonary hypertension:
  7. Obstructive sleep apnea:
    • It is a sleep condition in which breathing suddenly stops during the night. This occurs when the neck muscles relax and restrict the airway of your body.
    • Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include:
      • Excessive daytime fatigue
      • Loud snoring when you stop breathing during sleep
      • Abrupt awakenings with gasping or choking
    • Risk factors for sleep apnea include:
  8. Bronchiectasis:
    • Bronchiectasis is caused by damage to the airways (or bronchi) that connect to the lungs. It creates mucus buildup, which can lead to bacterial infections and lasting damage. Bronchiectasis can affect anybody at any age; however, it is more frequent in middle-aged and elderly people.
    • Symptoms of bronchiectasis include:
      • Coughing up phlegm
      • Feeling breathless
  9. Tuberculosis:
    • It is a form of lung illness caused by inhaling Mycobacterium tuberculosis germs.
    • People with compromised immune systems are more likely to get tuberculosis.
    • However, a vaccination is available for newborns, toddlers, and people younger than 35 years who are at risk of tuberculosis.
    • The most common symptoms of tuberculosis include:
  10. Coronavirus (COVID-19):
    • COVID-19 is a respiratory ailment caused by a specific coronavirus. Most people who contract it recover completely within a few weeks.
    • However, in severe situations, particularly in the elderly and those with pre-existing diseases, it can lead to long-term respiratory complaints and even death.
    • The main symptoms of COVID-19 include:
      • Persistent cough
      • Fever
      • Loss or change to your sense of smell and/or taste

Latest Lungs News

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How are lung diseases treated?

Rest and recovery through hydration are one of the best treatment options for most lung diseases. However, if you have serious symptoms for a long period, you should see a doctor right away. There are several therapies available, depending on the type of lung illness discovered.

  • Depending on underlying conditions, medications such as antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals may be prescribed.
  • Symptomatic management is an important part of treating lung diseases.
  • Inhalers or bronchodilators could help relieve the symptoms, opening the airways.
  • People with shortness of breath are treated with oxygen therapy, in which specified quantities of oxygen are supplied through a mask.
  • Corticosteroids are occasionally used to alleviate inflammation and edema in the lung tissues.
  • In severe cases of lung illness, thoracic surgical operations are done to increase lung capacity or enhance diaphragm expansion and contraction for better lung function.
  • A lung transplant is the last choice for people who have advanced lung illness. However, it is critical to implement other measures such as lifestyle management that not only assist maintain lung function but also prevent illness.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation involves exercise, breathing methods, nutritional treatment, relaxation, emotional and group support counseling, medication education, and lifestyle recommendations.

How can you prevent lung disease?

Although not all lung disease is preventable, some habits can help reduce your risk:

  • Cigarette smoking is by far the most significant risk factor. If you want to keep your lungs healthy, don't smoke.
  • Other pollutants, such as animal dander, industrial fumes, or high levels of dust, might predispose you to certain illnesses; therefore, reduce occupational and environmental pollutants wherever possible.
  • Even in the presence of these diseases, regular exercise is essential for healthy lung health. Both the heart and lungs will benefit from exercise. Breathing will be easier if both your heart and lungs are in a good shape.
  • Because the majority of respiratory illnesses are viral, people should prevent them by avoiding close contact with those who have respiratory infections and washing their hands often, especially during flu season. 
  • Getting a flu vaccination each season can help protect you from the three or four most prevalent flu viruses.
  • Wearing masks at all times and maintaining social distance are important preventive measures that may help avoid most lung diseases.

What are the long-term effects of lung disease?

Chronic lung problems may not have a permanent solution, but they can be properly treated to lead a healthier life. If you have a persistent lung issue, get medical attention to relieve your symptoms. Even if you have not been diagnosed with chronic lung disease, it may be prudent to monitor possible symptoms so that they might be identified and treated early. 

Lung diseases are one of the world's most serious public health issues, accounting for about one-sixth of all fatalities globally. The effect of lung disorders is still as significant now as it was at the turn of the century, and it is expected to stay so for several decades.

Lung diseases cause impairment and early death. They have a high cost associated with primary care, hospital care, and therapies, as well as lost productivity from individuals who are unable to work and people who die prematurely as a result of their disease.

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