Why Do I Only Have Fat on My Stomach? Central Obesity

Why Do I Only Have Fat on My Stomach
If you have excess fat only on your stomach, it could be related to your diet and lifestyle or an indication of central obesity

If you have excess fat only on your stomach, it could be related to your diet and lifestyle or an indication of central obesity. Common reasons you may be gaining weight in your stomach include:

  • Poor diet: Eating a diet high in sugar, carbs, and saturated fat but low in protein can cause you to pack on pounds around your middle. Junk food slows down your metabolism and affects your overall health.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: Long hours of sitting throughout the day can lead to the accumulation of visceral and subcutaneous fat.
  • Stress: Stress can lead to high cortisol levels in the body, which can affect your metabolism as well as make you reach for unhealthy foods more often. 
  • Sleep: Not getting enough sleep has been linked to inflammation, changes in hunger hormones, and lack of exercise, all of which can contribute to weight gain.
  • Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption not only causes people to gain weight around their abdomen but also leads to chronic liver problems and inflammation.

Other reasons you may be gaining more fat in your stomach include:

What is central obesity?

Central obesity is the excess accumulation of fat around your abdomen, especially due to too much visceral fat.

Central obesity can increase the risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, sleep apnea, and in some cases even cancer growth.

How do you know if you have central obesity?

Signs that you may have central obesity or an unhealthy body fat percentage include:

  • BMI over 30 (the average maximum BMI standard for normal weight is 24.9)
  • Waist circumference over 40 inches for men and over 35 inches for women
  • Blood pressure higher than 130/80 mmHg
  • Fasting glucose level higher than 100 mg/dL
  • Triglyceride level higher than 150 mg/dL
  • Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels higher than 110 mg/dL
  • High-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels lower than 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women

How is central obesity managed?

The goal for treating central obesity is to lower the risks of related diseases. Some of the most effective remedies include lifestyle changes such as:

  • Diet: Limit intake of sugary and high-carb foods, and increase fiber intake.
  • Exercise: Swimming, cycling, cardio, and other exercises should be performed for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
  • Stress relief: Practice meditation or yoga to combat stress and consciously make positive changes in your daily routine.
  • Medications: Take prescribed medications and follow other recommendations provided by your doctor.

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