What Is a Normal BMI Range? Calculator, Weight Loss Tips

Normal BMI Range
A normal or healthy BMI for adults is between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2. Learn how to calculate your BMI below.

Your height and weight are used to calculate your body mass index (BMI), which is a quick and easy way for most people to assess their body composition and ideal weight for their height.

  • Healthy weight or normal weight: A healthy weight for adults is between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2 (for all ethnicities except Asians, for whom the upper value of BMI is 21.8 kg/m2).
  • Overweight: Overweight is a BMI of 25 kg/m2 or higher in adults.
  • Obese: Obesity is a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or higher in adults.
  • Underweight: Adults with a BMI of 18.49 kg/m2 or less are considered underweight.

Formula to calculate BMI

  • BMI = Weight (kg)/Height (m)²

BMI calculator

To use this calculator:

  1. The default BMI of 16.6 shown on the tool is for a 5'5" person who weighs 100 lbs.
  2. Use the switch on top to pick either metric or imperial measurements.
  3. Set the height and weight dials to match your own height and weight.
  4. View your BMI number at the center of the tool and see where you fall on the obesity chart.

BMI values are based on clinical data about averages for these measurements across a wide swath of people.

What is BMI and what does it indicate?

  • It is a tool to determine your body fat and overall health.
  • The higher your BMI, the more likely you are to have excess body fat, and excess body fat is known to be linked to both current and future morbidity.
  • If your BMI indicates that you have a normal, healthy weight, that's fantastic. You may want to keep track of your BMI regularly to ensure that you remain in this category.
  • If you have a high BMI and are overweight or obese, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor who may recommend additional diagnostic tests to investigate any health risks.
  • Skinfold thickness and waist measurements, diet and physical activity evaluations, family history, and other appropriate health screenings may be included in these diagnostic tests. Your doctor may recommend lifestyle and dietary changes to help you reduce your BMI.
  • If you have a low BMI and are classified as underweight, you should reconsider your diet to gain some weight. Your doctor will be able to advise you.

What are the limitations of BMI?

Although there is a link between BMI and body fat, there are some limitations to the tool that have been widely discussed in the medical community:

  • Athletes and bodybuilders with a high proportion of muscle (muscle weighs more than fat) have high BMI.
  • There are differences in height and weight ratios between races.
  • Age and gender are not considered.
  • Women with the same BMI tend to have more body fat than men with the same BMI, and older people with the same BMI tend to have more body fat than younger people with the same BMI.
  • BMI does not consider pregnant or lactating women, as well as children and teenagers who are still growing and not yet physically mature.

Remember that BMI is only a guideline. It is not a tool for calculating ideal body weight. It is a tool that can help you determine if your weight is increasing your risk of disease.

BMI does not work well for people who are extremely muscular or have very little muscle. A muscular person can have a high BMI while maintaining a healthy level of body fat. A person with little muscle mass may have a normal BMI but high levels of body fat.


Weight loss occurs in the belly before anywhere else.
See Answer

How can I lose additional weight?

Sustained long-term weight loss should be viewed as a lifetime commitment, and to be effective, one must make gradual permanent changes to their current lifestyle.

Limiting high-calorie foods, choosing lower-calorie alternatives, and reducing food portion sizes are the best and safest ways to lose weight.

Here are some quick tips for losing additional weight:

  • Stay hydrated:
    • Drink calorie-free fluids throughout the day, especially before and after meals (lemon water, sparkling water, unsweetened tea, or plain cold water).
    • Although your daily hydration needs vary depending on your weight, activity level, and where you live, a good rule of thumb is to drink half an ounce to one ounce of water for every pound you weigh.
  • Change your eating habits:
    • Eat three balanced meals per day to help control your hunger. Breakfast, like any other meal, should not be skipped.
    • Consume small amounts of various foods and keep your portion sizes in check.
    • Eat slowly and avoid multitasking while eating.
  • Create your calorie deficit plan:
    • To lose weight and fat, you must burn more calories per day than you consume. Consume protein and fiber-rich foods that are nutritious and filling.
    • Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, nut butter, lentils, legumes, and other foods high in these nutrients are naturally filling and can keep you fuller for longer, lowering your overall calorie intake.
    • Consume various carbohydrates (for energy) and fats (for essential fatty acids and assimilation of vitamins A, D, E, and K).
    • To create a calorie deficit, control your portions while making wise choices.
  • Include more protein in your diet:
    • Protein, according to studies, is extremely effective for weight loss and improves body composition. 
    • Increased protein consumption may result in increased fat burn and metabolism.
    • Protein, according to science, has a thermic effect. As a result, it can help you burn more calories while you sleep.
    • In addition, protein is the most filling nutrient.
  • Exercise often:
    • Exercising boosts your metabolism and aids in the burning of calories.
    • The key to reaping the most benefits from exercise is to engage in it regularly. Look for activities that you will enjoy and that will make you sweat.
  • Be physically active:
    • In addition to regular exercise, regular physical activity is essential because exercising for only one hour per day and remaining physically inactive for the rest of the day will not help with fat loss or weight loss.
    • Walking, cycling, and playing outdoor games are some examples of being physically active.
  • Sleep and rest are as important as diet and exercise:
    • Sleep quality is just as important as sleep quantity. Sleep deprivation can cause sluggishness and increase cravings.
    • Getting enough sleep, depending on your age, is one of the fundamental rules you must follow if you are serious about losing weight.

It's just as important to do the right things as it is to avoid the wrong ones when it comes to losing weight. Make sure the methods you use to adhere to these rules are long-lasting.

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Why is it so hard to keep weight off?

Your brain and body are hard-wired to regain the weight that has been lost. This, combined with the abundance of high-calorie foods on the market today, makes regaining weight all too easy.

  • Your metabolism slows after you lose weight, so you burn fewer calories than you would expect, even when you're at rest. This occurs when your brain detects that your fat stores are low and sends signals to your muscles to increase their efficiency.
  • In addition to the metabolic slowdown, the body's multiple systems change, affecting our desire to eat. For example, after losing weight, your appetite increases, you need to eat more to feel satisfied, and your preference for higher-calorie foods may increase. Brain regions associated with the ability to resist eating are less active.
  • Sleep deprivation can make it difficult to maintain weight loss.
  • Finally, although many people can resist high-calorie foods for a short period, it is often difficult to maintain this over time. This could be because when a person is losing weight, they get the satisfaction of seeing the pounds drop off, but when they're just maintaining their weight, they don't get that satisfaction.

Maintain your normal body mass index by consuming lean protein sources such as eggs, almonds, fish, and poultry. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in greater quantities because they have fewer calories per cup than most other foods.

  • Diet and exercise will only get you started on the road to losing belly fat when it comes to achieving your physique goals.
  • Stress, sleep, and relaxation is important aspects of a person's lifestyle because they affect your hormone system that controls almost every process in your body.
  • Body positivity is an important attribute in your weight loss journey.

Make sure you take breaks from extreme workouts and enjoy intermittent cheat days if you want to have a successful weight loss journey.

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