Can Cashew Nuts Cause Heartburn? Foods Cause and Tips

Cashews nuts
Nuts, including cashews, are high in fats, which slow down the emptying stomach.

Although not a major cause, nuts, such as cashews, can trigger heartburn in some individuals.

  • Nuts, including cashews, are high in fats, which slow down the emptying stomach.
  • This means that they can cause a distended stomach, which can exert pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter or LES.
  • The LES is a muscular ring-like structure present at the lower end of the esophagus at its junction with the stomach that prevents reflux of the acidic stomach contents into the esophagus.

When gastric emptying is slowed, as occurs with fatty foods, the acidic stomach contents can pass back into the esophagus causing heartburn. This may specifically be seen when consuming cashew and other fatty foods in excess.

Some people may have tree-nut allergies including cashew allergies. They may develop symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and indigestion when consuming cashews.

Which foods cause heartburn

Heartburn is a feeling of discomfort or burning pain felt in the chest.

  • It is typically felt in the center of the chest right behind the breastbone or sternum. 
  • The burning sensation is generally felt in the lower chest although it may travel upward as well.

Heartburn usually occurs after eating spicy or fatty foods or when a person lies down or sleeps right after eating a meal.

Table 1. Some of the foods that may trigger heartburn Food category Examples Fatty and spicy foods

French fries, fried chicken, bacon, beef, high-fat steak, onion rings, pizza, chips


Orange, grapefruit, tomato


Tea, coffee, alcohol, sodas, hot chocolate


Creamed or fried vegetables, onions, garlic

High-fat dairy

High-fat or whole milk, cream cheese, cottage cheese, cream, high-fat ice cream


Cashew, walnuts, hazelnuts


Chocolate, peppermint, pepper, hot sauces

Which foods are safe for heartburn

People who regularly experience heartburn may safely consume the following foods:

Table 2. Some of the foods that can be eaten by people with heartburn Food category Examples Grains

Oatmeal, brown rice, couscous, quinoa


Potato, broccoli, carrots, yam, zucchini, sweet potato, beet, asparagus, green beans, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber


Banana, melon, papaya, grapes, berries


Most fruit juices except those containing citrus fruits, clear soups, herbal tea

Dairy products

Low-fat milk, cheese, and cream


Fish, skinless chicken, low-fat steak


Fennel, egg whites, tofu, low-fat mayo, thyme, rosemary, basil, cilantro

Tips to prevent and treat heartburn

How to avoid heartburn:

  • Eat small meals
  • Chew food well
  • Do not lie down for about two to three hours of eating a meal
  • Avoid fatty and spicy foods
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes and belts
  • Avoid beverages and foods that worsen symptoms
  • Avoid sugary foods and beverages including sodas

Over-the-counter medications, such as antacids, may help manage heartburn symptoms. Certain home remedies, such as nonfat milk and lemon water, may also help relieve symptoms.

Heartburn can be a symptom of underlying conditions, such as peptic ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is also common in pregnant women and overweight individuals.

Occasional heartburn may occur in most people, however, if a person gets frequent heartburn or symptoms worsen over time, they should consider visiting healthcare professional.

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Can Cashew Nuts Cause Heartburn? Foods Cause and Tips

Cashews nuts
Nuts, including cashews, are high in fats, which slow down the emptying stomach.

Although not a major cause, nuts, such as cashews, can trigger heartburn in some individuals.

  • Nuts, including cashews, are high in fats, which slow down the emptying stomach.
  • This means that they can cause a distended stomach, which can exert pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter or LES.
  • The LES is a muscular ring-like structure present at the lower end of the esophagus at its junction with the stomach that prevents reflux of the acidic stomach contents into the esophagus.

When gastric emptying is slowed, as occurs with fatty foods, the acidic stomach contents can pass back into the esophagus causing heartburn. This may specifically be seen when consuming cashew and other fatty foods in excess.

Some people may have tree-nut allergies including cashew allergies. They may develop symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and indigestion when consuming cashews.

Which foods cause heartburn

Heartburn is a feeling of discomfort or burning pain felt in the chest.

  • It is typically felt in the center of the chest right behind the breastbone or sternum. 
  • The burning sensation is generally felt in the lower chest although it may travel upward as well.

Heartburn usually occurs after eating spicy or fatty foods or when a person lies down or sleeps right after eating a meal.

Table 1. Some of the foods that may trigger heartburn Food category Examples Fatty and spicy foods

French fries, fried chicken, bacon, beef, high-fat steak, onion rings, pizza, chips


Orange, grapefruit, tomato


Tea, coffee, alcohol, sodas, hot chocolate


Creamed or fried vegetables, onions, garlic

High-fat dairy

High-fat or whole milk, cream cheese, cottage cheese, cream, high-fat ice cream


Cashew, walnuts, hazelnuts


Chocolate, peppermint, pepper, hot sauces

Which foods are safe for heartburn

People who regularly experience heartburn may safely consume the following foods:

Table 2. Some of the foods that can be eaten by people with heartburn Food category Examples Grains

Oatmeal, brown rice, couscous, quinoa


Potato, broccoli, carrots, yam, zucchini, sweet potato, beet, asparagus, green beans, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber


Banana, melon, papaya, grapes, berries


Most fruit juices except those containing citrus fruits, clear soups, herbal tea

Dairy products

Low-fat milk, cheese, and cream


Fish, skinless chicken, low-fat steak


Fennel, egg whites, tofu, low-fat mayo, thyme, rosemary, basil, cilantro

Tips to prevent and treat heartburn

How to avoid heartburn:

  • Eat small meals
  • Chew food well
  • Do not lie down for about two to three hours of eating a meal
  • Avoid fatty and spicy foods
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes and belts
  • Avoid beverages and foods that worsen symptoms
  • Avoid sugary foods and beverages including sodas

Over-the-counter medications, such as antacids, may help manage heartburn symptoms. Certain home remedies, such as nonfat milk and lemon water, may also help relieve symptoms.

Heartburn can be a symptom of underlying conditions, such as peptic ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is also common in pregnant women and overweight individuals.

Occasional heartburn may occur in most people, however, if a person gets frequent heartburn or symptoms worsen over time, they should consider visiting healthcare professional.

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Can Cashew Nuts Cause Heartburn? Foods Cause and Tips

Cashews nuts
Nuts, including cashews, are high in fats, which slow down the emptying stomach.

Although not a major cause, nuts, such as cashews, can trigger heartburn in some individuals.

  • Nuts, including cashews, are high in fats, which slow down the emptying stomach.
  • This means that they can cause a distended stomach, which can exert pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter or LES.
  • The LES is a muscular ring-like structure present at the lower end of the esophagus at its junction with the stomach that prevents reflux of the acidic stomach contents into the esophagus.

When gastric emptying is slowed, as occurs with fatty foods, the acidic stomach contents can pass back into the esophagus causing heartburn. This may specifically be seen when consuming cashew and other fatty foods in excess.

Some people may have tree-nut allergies including cashew allergies. They may develop symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and indigestion when consuming cashews.

Which foods cause heartburn

Heartburn is a feeling of discomfort or burning pain felt in the chest.

  • It is typically felt in the center of the chest right behind the breastbone or sternum. 
  • The burning sensation is generally felt in the lower chest although it may travel upward as well.

Heartburn usually occurs after eating spicy or fatty foods or when a person lies down or sleeps right after eating a meal.

Table 1. Some of the foods that may trigger heartburn Food category Examples Fatty and spicy foods

French fries, fried chicken, bacon, beef, high-fat steak, onion rings, pizza, chips


Orange, grapefruit, tomato


Tea, coffee, alcohol, sodas, hot chocolate


Creamed or fried vegetables, onions, garlic

High-fat dairy

High-fat or whole milk, cream cheese, cottage cheese, cream, high-fat ice cream


Cashew, walnuts, hazelnuts


Chocolate, peppermint, pepper, hot sauces

Which foods are safe for heartburn

People who regularly experience heartburn may safely consume the following foods:

Table 2. Some of the foods that can be eaten by people with heartburn Food category Examples Grains

Oatmeal, brown rice, couscous, quinoa


Potato, broccoli, carrots, yam, zucchini, sweet potato, beet, asparagus, green beans, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber


Banana, melon, papaya, grapes, berries


Most fruit juices except those containing citrus fruits, clear soups, herbal tea

Dairy products

Low-fat milk, cheese, and cream


Fish, skinless chicken, low-fat steak


Fennel, egg whites, tofu, low-fat mayo, thyme, rosemary, basil, cilantro

Tips to prevent and treat heartburn

How to avoid heartburn:

  • Eat small meals
  • Chew food well
  • Do not lie down for about two to three hours of eating a meal
  • Avoid fatty and spicy foods
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes and belts
  • Avoid beverages and foods that worsen symptoms
  • Avoid sugary foods and beverages including sodas

Over-the-counter medications, such as antacids, may help manage heartburn symptoms. Certain home remedies, such as nonfat milk and lemon water, may also help relieve symptoms.

Heartburn can be a symptom of underlying conditions, such as peptic ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is also common in pregnant women and overweight individuals.

Occasional heartburn may occur in most people, however, if a person gets frequent heartburn or symptoms worsen over time, they should consider visiting healthcare professional.

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