glucose (dextrose): Drug Facts, Side Effects & Dosage

What is glucose? What is glucose used for?

Glucose also known as dextrose is a simple sugar
(monosaccharide) that is used to increase the level of blood sugar (glucose)
when the level falls too low (hypoglycemia).
Glucose in this form increases the level of the blood sugar, so it is a
glucose-elevating agent. Other glucose-elevating agents are diazoxide
(Proglycem) and

Glucose is the primary fuel used by most cells in the body to generate the
energy that is needed to carry out cellular functions. When glucose levels fall
to hypoglycemic levels, cells cannot function normally, and symptoms develop
such as nervousness, cool skin, headache, confusion, convulsions, or coma.
Ingested glucose is absorbed directly into the blood from the intestine and
results in a rapid increase in the blood glucose level.

What brand names are available for glucose?

Insta-Glucose, Dex4, Glutose, Insulin Reaction, BD Glucose and many others

Do I need a prescription for glucose?


What are the side effects of glucose?

Nausea may occur after ingesting glucose, but this also may be an effect of the hypoglycemia which is present just prior to ingestion. Other adverse effects include:

  • increased blood glucose,
  • injection site leakage of fluid (extravasation),
  • injection site inflammation, and
  • bleeding in the brain.

What is the dosage for glucose?

The usual dose of glucose for hypoglycemia is 10-20 gm orally or by intravenous infusion. The oral dose may be repeated in 10 minutes if hypoglycemic symptoms do not resolve. Oral glucose must be swallowed to be effective.

Which drugs or supplements interact with glucose?

: Glucose increases blood glucose levels and reduces the
effect of
diabetes medications.

Is glucose safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Glucose may be used to manage hypoglycemia in

What else should I know about glucose?

What preparations of glucose are available?

  • Chewable Tablet: 1 gm, 4 gm, 5 gm; Tablet: 4 gm,;
  • Oral
    Gel/Jelly: 15 gm;
  • Intravenous solution/Injection: 2.5 %, 5 %, 10 %, 20 %, 25 %,
    30 %, 40 %, 50 %, 70 %
How should I keep glucose stored?

Glucose should be stored at room temperature, 15 C – 30 C (59 F – 86
F) in a tight container.

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