What Is the Best Thing for Sore Muscles?

Best thing for sore muscles

Exercise may be vital for overall health and longevity, but it comes with pains and sprains.Exercise may be vital for overall health and longevity, but it comes with pains and sprains.

Exercise may be vital for overall health and longevity, but it comes with pains and sprains. After a robust exercise session, your muscles may get sore or stiff. Slight soreness is a normal response to exercise, but there are good and bad soreness. Soreness should last for a day or two; if it lasts for more than 2 days along with signs of persistent pain, black-and-blue hued bruising, and numbness, then immediately consult a physician. Here’s what you can do to lessen the intensity of muscle soreness and avoid skipping your exercises:

  • Warming up before exercises: Research has shown that warming up before exercise activates the muscle and increases blood flow to them. Warm-ups include slow jogging, biking, jumping rope or lifting lightweights, and slow stretching.
  • Do not stop exercising: Muscle soreness is often due to the buildup of a substance called lactate. Studies have proved that continuing exercises the next day will mobilize lactate and clear it from your system, and the soreness will get better faster.
  • Drinking water: Water is essential for
    • Regulating body temperature.
    • Loosening the joints.
    • Transporting nutrients to create energy.
  • For smooth performance, the body requires water, without which the body will struggle to perform at its highest level.
  • Potassium-rich diet such as bananas, oranges, and coconut water may help the soreness post work-out.
  • Limited rest: Rest for a limited period. If you are sore after running, a light walk or bike ride for the next few days may help. Avoid complete rest or immobilization.
  • Stretching: Stretching is critical after workouts, as it helps your muscles to relax and improve their flexibility. Stretching also circulates the blood away from the muscle towards the heart to hasten the recovery.
  • Do not push the limits: The key to a great workout is progressing slowly with exercise. You may be tempted to push your limits for quick results but never do it. Increase the length of the time you run or increase the amount of weight you lift gradually; otherwise, you might end up injuring yourself.
  • Exercise the right way: It’s important to exercise the right way to avoid unwanted effects. If you are working on equipment in a gym, it is better to seek the help of a trainer or instructor. They can guide you in the right way to use this equipment.
  • Practice good posture: Maintain a good posture while sitting or standing, which helps to lessen the intensity of muscle soreness.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight can stress the muscles of the legs and back.

For instant relief of muscle soreness, you may use these measures:

  • Gentle stretching
  • Massaging the muscle
  • Rest
  • Applying ice to reduce inflammation
  • Over the counter (OTC) pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • Applying a warm compress to increase blood flow to the muscles; a warm bath or shower can also do wonders
  • Pain-relieving creams or gels that include menthol or capsaicin
  • Use truss or support belt while exercising or lifting weights.

If you experience strains or sprains, try the RICE method:

  • R-Rest: Depending on the injury, you may want to rest the injury all or part of the way.
  • I-Ice: Using ice packs or ice massages may help reduce swelling or pain.
  • C-Compression: Wrap your injury with a bandage to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • E-Elevate: Elevate the injury at or above your heart to prevent swelling. Keep it elevated for 2-3 hours a day.

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