What Is an Ambivert Person?

An ambivert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introvert and extrovert. An ambivert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introvert and extrovert.

An ambivert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introvert and extrovert. They cannot be labeled as pure introvert (shy) or extrovert (outgoing). Omnivert is another word used for the same personality type, but both the words hold the same meaning.

Depending upon their mood, context, situation, goals, and people around them, ambiverts can switch to extroversion or introversion.

How to recognize if you are an ambivert?

With society dividing seeing people as either an introvert or extrovert, many of you must have wondered if you fit into any of them. There must have been few instances when you behave like an introvert and some other times when you displayed the features of an extrovert. Therefore, it may be that you are an ambivert. To ascertain this, there are certain traits of an ambivert that can help you decide if you fall in between the extrovert and introvert spectrum.

  • You are comfortable hanging out with people and being in party-like situations. However, you limit yourself and stick to the deadline at a particular time.
  • You like discussions and like to chat, but you know your limits and cannot bear banter that goes on for long.
    • You find pleasure in your solitude, but you also enjoy frequent contact with others. You are not the type of person who will go on indulging in picnics and partying all over the weekend. You will enjoy to the core on a Saturday but need your “ME” time on the next day (Sunday). If you’re pushed into being too social, you may feel exhausted.
  • You are comfortable being behind the stage at an event, but you won’t mind coming on the stage for brief periods. An introvert will be too shy to come on the stage, and an extrovert will look for opportunities to be there.
  • You may appear as a chameleon to others because you exhibit exuberance sometimes and may sound apathetic at other times. In short, people find that “air of mystique” around you.
  • You can be still and quiet yet will feel best when also given opportunities to get involved in novel experiences.

What are the advantages of being an ambivert?

Following are the advantages of being an ambivert:

  • Flexible: Ambiverts are typically adjusting the type of personalities. They can adapt to various situations more easily.
  • Stable: Ambiverts exhibit a stable nature. They strike a good balance between the hypersensitivity of some introverts and the domineering attitude of some extroverts. Therefore, people who do not like the over-the-top outgoing nature of extroverts and the extreme shyness of introverts can find the company of ambiverts comforting.
  • Intuitive: Ambiverts have a good sense of intuition about what can go right or wrong if they maintain a certain attitude in conversations. They know when to speak up or shut up and when to go ahead or take a back foot.
  • Profession: Ambiverts are often more social but practical in making decisions. They make good bosses and are good at pitching sales.

What problems ambiverts can face?

Although being an ambivert comes with some pros, it also has its cons.

The flexible nature of ambiverts which is one of their virtues can sometimes play against them. They may be fixated sometimes whether to say yes or no to someone. This might place extra strain on the ambivert. Keeping the balance is an asset, but it can also be annoying sometimes.

Because of the chameleon nature, people interacting with an ambivert may not know what would come next. Some may find it troublesome and off-putting.

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