What Are the Nutritional Benefits of Eating Strawberries?

Nutritional benefits of the strawberry

Strawberries are chock full of vitamins. They contain Vitamin C, folate, potassium, antioxidants, manganese, and fiber, among other beneficial nutrients.
Strawberries are chock full of vitamins. They contain Vitamin C, folate, potassium, antioxidants, manganese, and fiber, among other beneficial nutrients.

Strawberries are a summer berry popular for their juicy, sweet taste. Not only is this fruit delicious, but the nutritional benefits of the strawberry make it even more attractive. Understanding the benefits of eating strawberries will help you add variety to your diet.

Strawberries are chock full of vitamins. They contain Vitamin C, folate, potassium, antioxidants, manganese, and fiber, among other beneficial nutrients.

Vitamin C contributes to healing, maintains your physical health, and improves the health of your retinas and corneas. It’s important to eat foods high in Vitamin C because your body doesn't produce it naturally. Eight medium-sized strawberries contain 160% of your recommended amount of Vitamin C.

Potassium helps your body balance electrolytes, reduce muscle cramps, and establish healthy blood pressure. Eat potassium-rich food and avoid high-sodium food to minimize the chances of high blood pressure and strokes. A serving of strawberries gives you 5% of the potassium you need every day.

Folate is a B vitamin commonly found in fruits and vegetables, including strawberries, oranges, leafy greens, and beans. Folate is particularly helpful to pregnant women or women in their childbearing years because it helps prevent certain birth defects.

Antioxidants are present in strawberries. These help your body fight chronic disease and improve your general wellness.

Strawberries are extremely high in manganese, which helps your body activate its enzymes.

Fiber contributes to low cholesterol, good digestion, decreased chance of arthritis, and a healthy heart. They help keep plaque from collecting in the arteries, and they are an anti-inflammatory agent. Research suggests that people with diets high in fiber have a decreased risk of heart disease. One serving of strawberries offers three grams of fiber.

Choosing the right strawberries

Choosing the right strawberry is straightforward. The best ones will be shiny, firm, and bright red with vibrant green leafy tops. If you find that some of your berries have gone bad or are damaged, throw them in the trash so that they don’t ruin the rest of the container.

If you’re looking for this nutritious fruit during its off-season, you can find reasonable substitutes at the grocery store. Look for a frozen option that has no sugar added.

Strawberry meal ideas

You should always wash your fruit, but in the case of strawberries, you should wait. Hold off until right before you’re ready to sit down and eat them. If you wash them and then let them sit, it increases the chances of mold. When you prepare a meal or snack, rinse your berries in cold water.

In order to get the most nutrients out of your strawberries, eat them raw. When strawberries are heated to a high temperature, their enzyme and antioxidant benefits are greatly reduced.

Strawberry meal ideas are simple; you can add this fruit to many of the fresh dishes you already know and enjoy. Throw a handful of chopped strawberries into your next salad for a highly nutritious meal or snack. If you crave strawberries at breakfast, layer them on your cereal, oatmeal, or yogurt, alone or with another fruit you enjoy. A strawberry smoothie is a light option that can be blended with low-fat or fat-free yogurt or milk and some leafy greens.

If you have a stockpile of strawberries in your freezer, blend them in a food processor with another frozen fruit of your choice to create a fresh and healthy ice cream. Add fresh or frozen strawberries to your next batch of lemonade for a refreshing drink.

How to measure strawberries

When you find a delicious strawberry meal idea, you might wonder how to translate the serving sizes given in the recipe. It depends on how you prepare the berries. Common strawberry measurements include:

  • 1.5 pounds of strawberries is equal to 2 pints or 1 quart
  • 1 small basket of strawberries is equal to 1 pint
  • 1 pint of strawberries is equal to 3.25 cups of whole berries, 2.25 cups of sliced berries, or 1.5 cups of pureed berries
  • 1 cup of strawberries is equal to 4 ounces.

Eat more strawberries

Strawberries are a great source of nutrients your body needs to thrive. As you continue on your journey to add variety to your diet, you’ll experience firsthand the health benefits of the strawberry.

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